Prueba 2

Prueba 2

Where Does Bitterness in Chocolate Come From?

It’s obvious that dark chocolate tastes more bitter than milk and white chocolate: it has a higher amount of cacao. But what makes cacao inherently bitter?

Naturally occurring chemical compounds

Like most plants, also the cacao tree produces chemicals as a defense mechanism against the animals that want to eat the seeds of its fruits. Theobromine is the primary bitter-tasting alkaloid found in cacao, but also flavonoids, alkaloids and polyphenols are known to have simultaneously a bitter, astringent and acidic taste.

cacao bean variety

Not all cacao beans are created equal. High-yield and commercial cacao varieties tend to have a higher level of bitterness compared to specialty and more rare varieties with naturally sweet tasting notes and a complex flavor profile. The cacao beans deemed high-quality will produce less bitter chocolate, while the chocolate produced with poor-quality cacao beans will be very bitter.

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